Double Side Pendant Backs for 28mm (Size 45) Cover Buttons - Gold 10pc

Double Side Pendant Backs for 28mm (Size 45) Cover Buttons - Gold 10pc
Double Side Pendant Backs for 28mm (Size 45) Cover Buttons - Gold 10pc Double Side Pendant Backs for 28mm (Size 45) Cover Buttons - Gold 10pc Double Side Pendant Backs for 28mm (Size 45) Cover Buttons - Gold 10pc
Price: 1,298円(Excluding Tax 1,180円)
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12P Points!
  • Model: 32MACG0010
  • UPC/JAN:
  • Shipping Weight: 0.062lbs

Product Description

Zinc Alloy
For 28mm cover button
This is a part that can be used to attach walnut buttons to the front and back like macaroons.
Please purchase 28mm cover button (flat back type) separately and use in combination.
Adhesives such as 3M strong adhesive are required for attachment.

Making Buttons